Posted on cohost Jun 18 2023
Transformation with mental changes is hot. For me it's hottest when its a significant mental shift, but not a complete loss of identify.

When transformed into another animal, you are still the same "type" of thing. A creature whose mind is a function of their physical brain. A side-effect of this is that if your new form's brain has a different "shape", your mind will adjust to match. Picking up instincts, losing or gaining skills, intelligence. Turned into a feral dog, you might not forget your name, or that you used to things like drive, go to a place and "work", but your understanding would be limited. And your wants would change by having dog brain. You're so excited when a friend comes to see you now, you love when they pet you and rub your belly. You never got pets and belly rubs before the change, so why would you want to change back?

On the flip side, if you're transformed into a living object, well, you could have a synthetic brain & similar rules apply. But you could also be a creature whose mind is bound to their body with magic. One consequence of this is that there's nothing enforcing the shape of your mind. This has a lot of potential, but also means your mind is easy to influence if you're weak willed. Even your own horny desires could result in changes to your psyche. Horny thoughts that you're just an object influencing you. An object doesn't get a say in how its used, so you won't complain no matter what they do. And the horny desire to enjoy being used means you will, pleasure generated in your mind as you're touched and manipulated.

Another consequence of being a mind magically bound to an object is that connection may persist if you're further changed or broken.
For example, if you're transformed into a cake, when eaten your mind may try to stay with that matter. You might find yourself as sentient fat.